Websites links - Slow website & Uptime - Создание сайтов

What to do if the site is slow

Almost everyone came across the fact that his stably working site suddenly began to terribly slow down. The reasons for this may be different, but now the main ones will be described.

Most often, such problems arise due to too much load on the server and insufficient bandwidth. What causes these problems? 

Firstly, when hosting a site on a shared hosting, you share server capacities and channel bandwidth with other users. 

There may be several other users, or maybe several thousand. At the same time, you do not have any guarantees for the provided computing power. 

The only way to get rid of this problem is to switch to hosting a VPS / VDS server or a dedicated server for your website

There you will be provided with huge computing power and there will be no brakes. 

Secondly, this is a DDoS attack organized by an attacker. If you are on a shared hosting, then the probability of getting under this attack increases at times, since all users on the server are exposed to this attack. 

Once again, the transition to a VPS / VDS server and ordering a service for protection website against DDoS attacks can become a solution.

There is still a high probability that the site is slow due to poor optimization. The reason for this is very "heavy" content that is not optimized for the web.

What is website uptime

By uptime of a server is meant its uptime for a certain point in time. This criterion is one of the most important in the website hosting.

This criterion is measured as a percentage and shows how long the provider’s servers have been running smoothly.

website uptime

From the uptime hosting company, you can easily understand how reliable it is, how often various hardware problems happen, and how quickly they are fixed. 

If the servers do not work, then visitors will not be able to enter your site, and this will affect the site’s place in the search results of Google and other search engines. This is due to search engine robots and their algorithms. 

With some indefinite frequency, they check sites located in the database of search engines. If your site is inaccessible, then with high probability these robots will remove it from their search engine and all your efforts to advance will come to naught.

Most often, uptime values ​​are in the range of 99-99.999%. For example, if the uptime of the server is 99%, then during the year it will not work for approximately 87 hours 36 minutes, which, you see, is not enough. 

And if you choose hosting with uptime 99.99%, then this time will decrease to 52 minutes 33 seconds. For a year, such an ISP server will not work less than an hour.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve 100% uptime, but everyone is striving for this value. 

Although sometimes a very high website uptime indicator may indicate that the hardware and software are rarely updated, and this can not be attributed to the positive aspects.


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